IAMBE seeks to equip all businesses and individuals travelling to Dubai with the resources, skills and confidence to reap the rewards and opportunities of EXPO2020 and the Middle East 

IAMBE is founded on the ambition to connect Australian people, businesses, government agencies and industries with this growing, sometimes complex, but ever-important region. The Middle East and the United Arab Emirates are fortified and enriched by a culture, history, legacy and political and social complexities that must be understood by prospective businesses and individuals who aspire to find success in EXPO2020 

Not only will a consolidated comprehension and appreciation of these intricacies prevent you or your business from committing critical mistakes in your presentations and interactions, it will demonstrate to prospective Middle Eastern and other investors your commitment to creating connections in the Middle East based on mutual respect, understanding and determination to achieve success 

Thus, it is the pleasure of IAMBE to offer our services to all individuals, businesses and government agencies seeking to engage with the powerful opportunities of EXPO2020. We seek to guide you at every stage of your EXPO2020 experience from equipping you with the resources and knowledge for adequate preparation before you leave, providing you with consistent and dynamic support during the expo and helping you to consolidate and grow your successes once you return 

IAMBE achieves this through the following services

Arabic Translation and Interpretation of documentation, marketing and presentation materials, websites, APPS and dialogue. This includes subtitling and dubbing of video and audio materials into regional and Modern Standard Arabic as well as management of Social Media platforms 

Business Consultation includes group seminars or personal and frequent meetings to assess the progress of your business in preparing for Dubai, discuss the strengthen and weaknesses or your venture and develop new initiatives to appeal to the target market 

Arabic Language Courses will equip you and you team with the imperative communication skills to building personal, business and diplomatic ties in the Middle East and facilitating daily interaction 

Cultural and Political Awareness Workshops can be crucial to appealing to, acquiring and maintaining Middle Eastern relations

Middle East Market Research will help you to locate prospective opportunities, complexities and the current climate in your sector and assist you towards managing them