The UAE is Australia’s largest trade and investment partner in the Middle East and home to the world’s largest Free Zone (Jabel Ali) in which goods and services can be distributed without customs restrictions and intervention 

The current Aus-UAE partnership thrives on secure tourism links as well as strong defence and economic cooperation. Participation in EXPO2020 will help to strengthen, develop and proliferate these links by introducing and facilitating growing and dynamic trade across all levels of industry

For Australian businesses seeking to promote their innovative and sustainable ideas and infrastructure, EXPO2020 poses the perfect 

opportunity for exposure in front of target and prospective audiences and investors that would otherwise take months or years to reach. EXPO2020 provides an opportunity for businesses, small, large and ambitious, to present their ideas on the world stage and access new networks and markets as well as build on existing collaborations 

Australian industrial strengths will be at the core of EXPO2020 and Middle Eastern market objectives in areas such as 

Services – architectural, engineering, urban planning, facilities management, consultancy services and training (retail, food logistics, service delivery) for a growing Arab economy and population

Innovation – sustainability (clean energy and waste management and solutions to food waste and food packaging) and in IT

Agriculture & Food industry

Australian food franchises

Education – The UAE government is seeking to transform Dubai in a hub of education integration

SME and larger businesses with specialised services and products who have capabilities across niche sectors, such as in technology, health and sciences, transport, renewables and innovative future product development

Government departments

Businesses will not however, be the only ones to profit from the opportunities of EXPO2020


Private Investors seeking to open up trading partners in the Middle East will have access to hundreds on investment opportunities in various industries

Students and Tourists who are looking to explore and understand the nuances of business, international cooperation and advancements in technology and sciences as well as the ways in which these consolidate themselves in the Middle East

News and media organisations who attend EXPO2020 will be at the forefront of one of the world’s most influential international events in one of the world’s most burgeoning and dynamic regions

Individuals and business organisations who wish to discover and explore the most current advancements in technology, science and international thinking surrounded by like-minded peoples